Brooke Benincosa
Licensed healing practitioner
Old world remedies merged with the modern for a holistic approach to health
Heal By Sacred Touch With Foot Zoning
Rejuvenate and detoxify the body with signal systems in the feet.
Service Description
WHAT IS FOOT ZONING Foot Zoning is an ancient therapy that combines pressure, strokes, squeezing, and other techniques, so that our energy can release and flow freely. All of the nerve endings within our bodies end in our feet, and with activating the signals of the feet we find that the body responds as an interconnected whole rather than a body with entirely separate parts. Through accessing this complex signal system with these healing techniques, we can prompt the body to repair and renew itself. We can clear stored emotions, release traumas of the past, and much more. As your healing practitioner it is my goal to bring your body balance, clarity, and revitalizing energy. BENEFITS OF FOOT ZONE HEALING + Decrease harmful inflammation in the body. + Create a healthy flow into the lymphatic systems. + Balance spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies. + Detoxify the body of stored negative emotions created by trauma. + Open up new spaces that increase our energetic field. + Repair and renew all systems into harmony. + Help relieve pain in the body + Improve mental health, stress, and sleep WHO NEEDS FOOT ZONING? People who are experiencing headaches, back pain, digestive and sleep disorders, depression, autoimmune failure, stress. Foot zoning is also helpful for people who are experiencing brain fog, mental or emotional drain. If you have a specific problem you are wanting to treat, we will focus on that specific signal system to bring it into balance. It is for people who are wanting to release anger, or any other disempowering emotions. Also included in the first session , pscho/somatic assessment on feet
Contact Details
EDistrict Office Building, North Main Street, North Salt Lake, UT, USA